Duration: 5:31

BPM: 82

Time signature: 4/4

Jeff Porcaro's drumming on "Rosanna" is notable for its use of the "Half-Time Shuffle" groove, a sophisticated rhythm that combines shuffle, ghost notes, and backbeats to create a smooth yet intricate feel. This groove is a variation of the "Purdie Shuffle," popularised by Bernard Purdie, and it serves as the song's backbone, providing a laid-back yet powerful rhythmic foundation that blends in seamlessly with the soft rock and jazz influences.

Duality - Slipknot (Joey Jordison)

Duration: 4:13

BPM: 144

Time signature: 4/4

Joey Jordison's drumming on "Duality" exemplifies his aggressive, fast-paced style, which is distinguished by rapid double bass drumming and complex snare patterns. This track features a ferocious performance that contributes to Slipknot's signature sound: intense, chaotic, and heavy, with a focus on speed and precision. Jordison's ability to maintain clarity and power despite fast, intricate beats distinguishes his style.

Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin (John Bonham)

Duration: 2:46

BPM: 93

Time signature: 4/4

John Bonham's drumming on "Good Times, Bad Times" is an excellent example of his innovative and powerful drumming technique. Bonham employs a driving bass drum pattern, famously using a single bass drum pedal to create rapid, complex rhythms that many assumed were played with a double pedal. His use of triplet-based fills and grooves enhances the song's dynamic and explosive feel, demonstrating his technical prowess and solid groove.

Bleed - Meshuggah (Tomas Haake)

Duration: 7:23

BPM: 115

Time signature: 4/4

Tomas Haake's drumming on "Bleed" is known for its extreme technical complexity and mechanical precision. The song is based on a polyrhythmic groove that cycles through a 4/4 time signature, resulting in a disorienting, relentless rhythmic assault. Haake's use of double bass drumming, as well as his ability to weave together different time signatures, contribute to the track's overwhelming intensity and technical demand.

Ticks and Leeches - Tool (Danny Carey)

Duration: 8:08

BPM: 99

Time signature: While parts of the song are in 4/4, it frequently shifts into other signatures such as 5/8 and 6/8, creating a fluid and unpredictable rhythmic landscape.

Danny Carey's performance on "Ticks and Leeches" demonstrates his mastery of polyrhythms and unconventional time signatures. The drumming is extremely complex, combining extensive use of the tabla with powerful rock drumming to produce a dense, layered sound. Carey's ability to seamlessly transition between different rhythmic textures and patterns adds profound depth and intensity to the track, demonstrating his extensive knowledge of both progressive rock and world percussion.

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Melodics is the only drum lesson app that tracks performance & progress, giving you specific feedback on how to improve. It’s a highly interactive drumming experience: Either plug in your electronic drum set or turn on your device’s microphone near your acoustic drum set and start playing. Melodics will then provide guidance on how to play songs & techniques with specific feedback on how to level up.

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Tips for Learning Hard Songs on Drums

At Melodics, we want to make drumming as simple as possible for beginners. But it’s vital to understand that overcoming problems while learning the drums is part of the process, and if you can learn to embrace those challenges the learning experience can be incredibly rewarding.

We’ve developed a learning philosophy for learning how to get the most out of your instrument. We’ll cover some of this in the rest of this article, but for more detail on the 'Melodics Way' to music education check out our article here.

Breaking Down Complex Rhythms

What typically makes songs challenging are complex rhythms. With intricate patterns and unconventional beat divisions, these songs demand extra focus, coordination & practice, to get right. Break down the rhythm into smaller sections. Practice those sections gradually and ensure you have a firm grasp on each before moving on to the next. Patience and persistence are key.

A metronome will help when practicing complex rhythms. Start at a slower tempo to ensure accuracy and gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable with the rhythm. This gradual tempo increase will not only help with precision but also build your confidence in tackling challenging beats.

Practice, Practice, Practice

It is no secret that proficiency necessitates practice. If you're feeling discouraged, remember that every drummer started somewhere. Divide your practice sessions into manageable chunks and focus on one skill at a time. Remember to celebrate small victories to keep yourself motivated. For more information, we've written an entire article on how to practise more effectively.

Finding ‘Flow’

Everyone has experienced a flow state at some point. Either through music, running, writing, reading or any number of activities.

This diagram explains the concept well. If a task is too challenging the result is anxiety while if it is not challenging enough then the result is boredom. The channel in the middle represents the point where your challenge and ability meet. Make sure the music you’re trying to learn is roughly within this channel, if a particular song is too difficult you may run into frustration. Too easy and you’ll be bored!



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