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Playlist: Play along with the Impeach break.

Pads players! Fire up this playlist, open up the lesson in Melodics, and play along with the break that launched a thousand classic Hip Hop tunes: The break from “Impeach the president”.

The most classic of breaks.

When funk band The Honey Drippers put out this politically charged single in 1973, they couldn’t have forseen the huge impact those opening bars of naked drums would have on the musical landscape. From Hip Hops early days, through the golden era, over the millenium and up to today, the “Impeach the president” break has provided the bedrock for generations of musicians.

Grab your pads and play along!

There’s a lot of fun to be had playing along with these tracks as you listen. Here’s a step-by-step on how to do it:

Play this lesson syncopation
Classic Break / Grade 7 The Impeach Break by MelodicsPreview
  1. Click the ‘Play this lesson’ button to open the lesson up in the Melodics app.
  2. Play through the steps & pass the lesson (or play through the final step to warm up if you’ve passed it before.
  3. Go back to the Pre-play screen of the lesson (the one where the samples are laid out on your pad controller).
  4. Come back to this page, start up the playlist (click the Spotify logo in the top right to open it in the Spotify app), and vibe with some classics!
Not a Pads player? Not a problem!

Even if you don’t have a Pad controller, you can still use your computer keyboard. There’s only 4 samples so it’s easy to get to grips with, and it’s still super fun.

We’ve listed the Keys to use below:

Key Sound
C Kick
V Snare
B Closed Hat
N Open Hat

The fastest way to start playing.

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Melodics is a desktop app for Windows and Mac.

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What hardware will you be using to play Melodics?

Melodics works best with hardware.

You can play it with your computer keyboard, but it is a much better experience with access to a MIDI keyboard, pad controller, or MIDI drum kit.

Play as you learn!

These MIDI devices are connected: