Take control of your Arturia MiniLab
Whether you’re a producer, creator or just getting started, Melodics is the best way to learn to play pads and keys. Unlock your free content now: 40 FREE lessons for your Arturia MiniLab to build your music skills.
Music education for a new generation.
With guided lessons spanning hip hop to electronic to pop, you’ll learn everything you need to start creating better music: rhythms, melodies, chords, triggering samples, and more.
How to access your free lessons.
Arturia MiniLab users get access to 40 free lessons. Subscribe at any time to unlock unlimited hundreds more lessons and songs.
• Create an account
• Grab your code from Arturia e.g. MINILAB-XXXXXX
• Download the app
• Access your 40 free lessons.
It’s never been easier to master your instrument.
Keys 'n synths
Put those scales and chords to work! Grow your musical fluency and apply it in your own songwriting, so you can translate the music in your head into signature sounds that are anything but stock.
Finger Drumming
Get off the grid and make your beats sound more organic. Melodics builds your precision and timing so you can play rhythms or samples with speed, accuracy and style.
All The Tools To Take Your Skills To The Next Level
Instant Feedback
Get real-time feedback on your performance.
Huge Song Library
Learn over 500 songs across Hip Hop, electronic, funk & more.
All Levels Welcome
Over 1,200+ lessons to explore, master & progress through.
Set The Tempo
Slow down the track to suit your ability & build up as you progress
Weekly Lesson Drops
Fresh lessons released every week, including the latest tracks.
Level Up
Progress through 15 skill levels to master the keys
Practice Mode
Step-by-step guidance to master the track before testing yourself
Track Progress
Track your performance through grades & see where to improve.
Learn Finger Drumming
Melodics users also get access to interactive finger drumming lessons
Join over 1,000,000 other musicians leveling up with Melodics
Melodics cuts the learning curve so far down for practicing my covers! I just learned that in 20 minutes using practice mode.
Steve Wood, USA You give people the understanding of what the artist is doing, how to put a song together, and from there do your own thing. And I think that's really cool!
Melanie, USA With the way harder songs are being taught, it's really great. I felt it was the right way to learn. I can slow down and loop certain sections so I don't have any issues.
Niteesh Yarra, USA